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Current Projects

CHELSA National Statistics Database Revamp

Since its inception, CHELSA recognised the need for and potential usefulness of a common set of standards to guide libraries in the quantitative and qualitative assessment of their services. The CHELSA Statistics Database was developed in 2010. A list of CHELSA indicators was developed, which set the standard to be used by member libraries for the collection of national statistics. The database was developed BY CPUT Libraries and extended to CHELSA libraries in 2012 – 2013.

This database is now due for an upgrade.

A collaborative project for the revamp of the database is currently underway, with task teams having been created and a proposal on a new database expected by the end of 2023.

The revamped database will deliver:

  • An expanded set of services and functionality related to library analytics that will better serve members’ needs
  • increased capacity to deliver insights from data collected
  • an improved user experience
  • improved quality of analytics leading to more useful reports and management information

For further information members can access Project Documentation (password-protected).

CHELSA National ETD Repository Project

CHELSA has pledged to create and host a national repository for theses and dissertations for all higher education member institutions, arising from the discontinuation of the NRF ETD database. A platform has been identified, surveys of member institutions’ needs completed, and discussions held with the NRF for access to the information previously hosted by them. This project will assist in opening up access to and the dissemination of SA research. A proof of concept is in the process of being developed.

For further information members can access Project Documentation (password-protected).

Leadership Development Project

CHELSA is currently investigating ways in which it can support and strengthen academic library leadership. A dedicated task team is in the process of developing a detailed proposal for the implementation of programmes.

For further information members can access Project Documentation (password-protected).

Information Literacy Project

CHELSA is currently undertaking the compilation of a National Information Literacy Framework for all member institutions. This framework will draw on existing frameworks developed by institutions as much work has been done in this area.

For further information members can access Project Documentation (password-protected).