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ACRL announces the publication of the 2018 Academic Library Trends and Statistics

The complete data set from ACRL’s comprehensive statistics-gathering project encompassing all academic libraries in one easy-to-use volume is now available.

Includes institutions in Carnegie classifications Associate of Arts degree granting, Master’s Colleges and Universities, Baccalaureate Colleges, and Research/Doctoral-granting Institutions. Data from 1,726 academic libraries in all Carnegie classifications is included.

The core set of data consists of four major categories:

  • Collections: which includes titles held, volumes, and electronic books;
  • Expenditures: which includes library materials (one-time purchases and ongoing purchases), salaries and wages, etc.;
  • Personnel and Public Services: which includes size of staff, information service transactions, circulations, ILL, gate count, hours;
  • Staffing trends: library contributions to student success initiatives, faculty status, and staff expertise.

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